It hasn't happened yet, and I hope to the good Lord that it doesn't. I used to watch HLN all the time to get a digested view of what was going on in the world. Lately the only thing they seem to talk about is Casey Anthony. Well I guess they made her a celebrity they want to keep it going, but at what cost? It really doesn't matter anymore what anyone thinks. Our justice system found her not guilty...nothing more needs to be said. Our justice system may not be perfect, but it is the best in the world. We can call the jury stupid, or say the prosecution didn't present their case properly. Anyone of those things may or may not be true, but it is over...period. The only thing HLN is doing now is inciting at lot of angry people. If some angry individual takes Casey Anthony's life for the sake of "justice for Kalie", then I think that the media, in particular HLN should bear some moral responsibility for this. You cannot keep beating a dead horse. It's over. Let it be. We don't have to like the outcome of this verdict, but plain fact is, this was the verdict. Get over it and move on.