I was outside earlier this evening and I heard a couple of firecrackers go off. It was a bit unnerving with the events of this past Friday. When I woke up on Friday morning I checked out my phone for the latest news. It is something I do every morning, it's quicker than TV and there are no commercial. As I looked at the Tweets from WTOL I was shocked by what I read. Once again massive violence has scarred our nation. Ironically and actually truly sad is the death of two soldiers. How horrible it is when you think they should have been safe here, at home, away from the ravages of war.
All day long we have heard the details of this tragedy, I found myself praying for the victims off and on many times today and yesterday. There are no words, and there is no comprehension. The twelve fatalities are heart wrenching. It should not have happened. So now we ask ourselves why did it happen and were there any warning signs?
From everything I have heard today, there is one huge warning sign that should have drawn the attention of someone to alert the ATF. Fed X delivered 150 pounds of ammunition to a private individual. Now that is what scares me. Fed X had no way of knowing what was in that package, but the company that sold it to Holmes, should have realized that was a bit extravagant for private use.
Today and every time there is a shooting, people start talking about gun control. Well I don't own a gun or anything, but I can logically tell you that guns don't kill people, people do. To me one person ordering a hundred and fifty pounds of ammunition is a red flag. Many people collect guns, so that would not have really been a red flag, but all that ammunition, really, wasn't anyone even slightly curious as to why someone would need that amount for hunting or target practice. I mean was that company running a midnight special. I don't think so.
We all need to be mindful of our surroundings. this guy wasn't a law breaker, he was an honor student. Yet he did leave red flags, and if we as a nation are ever going to stop the violence, we need to be mindful of the ridiculous. 150 pounds of ammunition is ridiculous! If the ATF had been notified, maybe they could have kept an eye on him. I can hear some of you saying well that an infringement on a person's rights. Being in a movie theater, you should have the right of believing and trusting that you are safe. That is a citizen's right as well. If someone would have just looked at this one red flag, maybe, just maybe, this tragedy would not have happened.
There were other flags too. This was the creation of a diabolical and evil mind. A young woman who lived below Holmes apartment, went upstairs to tell him to turn down the music that started blaring at midnight. She found the door to be open, but decided not to go in. That saved her life. Had she opened that door this tragedy would have gotten a whole lot worse. The girl has a great guardian Angel!
You know, I was listening to Mike Huckabee tonight, and he said something on his show that we should all remember. Our government has in the last fifty years worked hard to keep God out of our schools and our public buildings, so why should we be surprised when all hell lets loose!
Let us all continue to pray for the victims and the survivors of this horrible event. Let each one of us make it our personal responsibility to be mindful of people doing unusual things. If it doesn't seem right, it very well might be that you could save lives. If someone would have paid attention to the flags here, the ATF maybe could have stopped him before he killed and injured so many innocent people.