Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Ideology of Hate

I was watching  Geraldo Rivera at Large tonight on FOX News. The topic tonight was hate groups in America. He had a white supremest and a Neo-Nazi on to give their views. Ironically both felt they were not hate groups. Both men felt that this country was founded by white men for white men; and that everyone else should go back from where their ancestors came from.I thought it was unbelievable that people in the 21st century could still be that stupid. First of all they all get an F in U.S. History; the American Indians were here before us. I'm sure some of them feel we should go back to our ancestral countries.

Why are these groups so dangerous? These two men may think that they are using their right of free speech, and unfortunately they do have that right; they are harmful because they go to areas that are economically depressed and tell anyone that will listen that the minority group is to blame for their predicament. We need to remember that Adolf Hitler used that same strategy to convince the people in Germany that all their financial and social issues were caused by Jews. It's hard to believe that he actually accomplished his message of hate. Yet if you look back at history you will see that at that time all of Europe and the United States were in an economic depression. When people are desperate for relief from their pain, they will believe and do anything; even if it defies logic.

Since these two men feel that they are not part of a hate group; it leads to the question; how do we define hate? It is my belief that hate is anything we do intentionally to hurt someone physically, mentally, or morally.If you deliberately seek to hurt another person, that is hate.

So how can we as ordinary people stop the hate? Well as I said above, these people have the right to say their garbage, but we can keep the hate and the violence from their message away from our communities by first teaching our children that this sort of ideology is false, and teach them as our fore fathers wrote in the constitution, "All men are created equal". We need to start with our children because they are our future. After our children we discuss among ourselves how detrimental their message really is and how it is in direct conflict with our constitution. Most important we must turn to God for guidance and strength, not just for our own, but that God may enlighten these misguided souls that nothing is ever  gained by preaching the lack of tolerance for those who live among us.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I love Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer. Bob always has good questions and I love to hear the answers that his guests give. One topic came up this morning that I thought was thought provoking. One of the guests said that Romney wasn't popular but would win the election. Bob asked, well how can he win the popular vote if he isn't popular?

I don't remember what the guests reply was. Being a Romney fan I was a little upset. There is a lot of truth to that statement.

I got to thinking though about the last election and Baack Obama's "Yes we can" campaign. The economy was in the toilet and people wanted a change. He talked such a pretty picture of change that people voted for him, I believe, out of wishful thinking that he could  pull it off. After all it is no secret that Obama is a great orator. This time though is different. "Yes we can" has become no you didn't. I believe that there are people, even among republicans, that are not impressed with Romney; yet I believe Romney can and will win.

My thought is that many of the people who voted for Obama will not vote for anyone this year. Most of Baarack Obama's support from 2008 are now disillusioned with him, and because they don't care for Romney, they won't vote at all.

All the negative adds out there for both candidates are full of half truths, unless the voter really checks the facts on there own, will not know what either candidate's platform really is.

Checking out the facts and voting for the best candidate is so important to our freedom. We all should vote and vote wisely.