This is a picture of a baby in his mother's womb. It is quite obvious that this is a baby. This particular baby was born and is now a happy and healthy little boy. Did you know that babies, just like the one in this picture are being aborted even at this stage in the pregnancy? It is called partial birth abortion, and I feel it is the most atrocious thing that has ever been allowed in this country and the world. To call this choice, in my opinion gives people the right to kill. For killing a child at any stage is wrong, but how can we in any way justify killing a baby just weeks before it would be full term? Where are our ethics? Where is our appreciation for life and it's sacredness? When did we decide that death to a child was justifiable? We need to speak out to prevent this from happening. A child in the mother's womb is the most defenseless of all God's children. Let us all promote life and let us start with the unborn. May God's blessings be on all of you, especially the innocent babies.
It is the most evil of all evils and when a mother finds herself in a predicament of confusion it would be great if she had a great faith and belief in God that she would trust that Our Good Lord would not let her and the baby down. And by the way do you know that until a baby is completely out of the womb it is known as a fetus. A precios baby in the medical profession is never known as a baby until after it is born. To those doctors that kill the innocents and do so because the government says it's legal they soon better turn their eyes and mind and soul to God. Life here is just a little while. An Eternity is forever and I wouldn't want to have murder on my handsespecially when it comes to His precious little ones.
ReplyDeleteI have no sympathy for these murderers of the innocent...NONE. We have not taught the young women who are finding themselves pregnant with a child by accident anything about responsibility. Too many times I've seen a youngster get pregnant and rather than do the right thing by either keeping it or giving it up they opt to dispose of it (abort it) because it is an inconvienence for them. WE need to STOP this madness. For those who have been raped and become pregnant, I empathize with you, I really truly do, but more so I empathize with the child you abort. Can you not sacrafice 9 months of you time and carry this child (who is a part of YOU) and give it up for adoption if you don't want it? Where is our sensitivity? Where is our compassion? Where is our heart? I am sick to death of the selfishness of women's attitudes "it's their body and they can do what they want with it" . Do whatever you like with your body - but you have NO RIGHT to do whatever you like to the body within you!!!