Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I love my dog


Norman in his last few months with us

Sophia and her toys
She is a beautiful creature. Sophia picked us out that day at the Monroe Humane Society. She brushed against the cage just wanting some love and attention. In truth we were looking for another Jack Russell Terrier, like the one we put down the week before. None of the Jack Russells we looked at gave us a second glance. I guess there was no chemistry. We were standing by Sophia's cage actually getting ready to leave. When she brushed herself against the cage. Something in her beautiful eyes made me want to see her. So we asked the attendant to show her to us. Oh my she just couldn't stop giving me kisses! It was love at first lick! I was concerned because she was an older puppy and not full grown. Yet I have to say she has never been any trouble. She was easy to house break and she loves being clean. Sophia Marie is an Norwegian Lundhund mix. Also known as Puffin dogs. In Norway where the breed originated four hundred years ago; they were bred to hunt puffin birds in the winter for food for the Norwegians. Typically these dogs have six toes on their paws so that they can navigate the caves where the puffin live. Sophia looks exactly like a purebred but her sixth toe on the hind legs are not jointed and she only has five toes on the front paws.

As you can see by the pictures attached to this post. She is my little princess. I think dogs are angels. They love freely and don't expect anything but our love in return. Somehow I think my little Norman picked her out for us. I have been blessed. Thank you God. Not only for my dogs past and present, but also for all the people that you have put into my life. You are certainly a loving and gracious God.

Norman's kiss

Sophia and Mommy

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Have you bought my book yet?


I hope everyone will go to the above link and buy my book.It is available at Amazon in either paperback or the Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble as a Pubit e-book. It's an easy read and a good story. This is a story of a courageous woman, following her God given call with absolute faith and trust; she endured the hopes and fears that we as human being experience each day of our lives. God bless you all and thank you!