Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pondering thoughts

Maybe it's just my age, but from time to time I find myself drifting back to the past. Tonight I gave some thought to my early years on the job. I have been working most of my life. Most of that time in factories. I held myself in moderate esteem as far as what I was able to do. So most of my jobs were fairly unskilled. Then one day I applied for a skilled job (I was about 35). I, along with about a dozen other people from the factory had to take tests at the employment agency for motor skills, problem solving, logic, math, and a few other similar exercises. A miracle happened for me that day. My scores exceeded everyone else  that day; but that wasn't the miracle. This counselor told me that with my scores I could do anything I wanted. Wow! I was dumbfounded! All my life I considered myself stupid. This woman opened up a door for me that changed my life.

The job I signed up for I got, but it  wasn't what I wanted, it was too physical for me. However I did move up to a position that was less physically challenging. Then one day a supervisor's  position came up. In the past I would never have considered such a position, but the counselor's comments rang in my head, so I decided to look into the possibility and I applied and I was picked to do the job. From then on I never questioned my ability to seek and find any opportunity that I wanted to pursue.

So what is my point of this story; our successes and failures start in the mind first. All those years that I felt inferior to do more was a self made problem. What we perceive ourselves to be is what we are.

I have always let my children know that they could do anything. They are both successful in their vocations. I am older now, but I live by the rule that I can do it, no matter what "it" might be. "No" is just not in my vocabulary any more, and I am glad. Life is an adventure and all of us should push ourselves to the best we can be.

Thanks for listening and remember, success begins in the mind first.