Sunday, August 5, 2012


I love Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer. Bob always has good questions and I love to hear the answers that his guests give. One topic came up this morning that I thought was thought provoking. One of the guests said that Romney wasn't popular but would win the election. Bob asked, well how can he win the popular vote if he isn't popular?

I don't remember what the guests reply was. Being a Romney fan I was a little upset. There is a lot of truth to that statement.

I got to thinking though about the last election and Baack Obama's "Yes we can" campaign. The economy was in the toilet and people wanted a change. He talked such a pretty picture of change that people voted for him, I believe, out of wishful thinking that he could  pull it off. After all it is no secret that Obama is a great orator. This time though is different. "Yes we can" has become no you didn't. I believe that there are people, even among republicans, that are not impressed with Romney; yet I believe Romney can and will win.

My thought is that many of the people who voted for Obama will not vote for anyone this year. Most of Baarack Obama's support from 2008 are now disillusioned with him, and because they don't care for Romney, they won't vote at all.

All the negative adds out there for both candidates are full of half truths, unless the voter really checks the facts on there own, will not know what either candidate's platform really is.

Checking out the facts and voting for the best candidate is so important to our freedom. We all should vote and vote wisely.

1 comment:

  1. The adds are for sure propaganda on both sides. It was a bad time when he campaigned the first time (Obama)so the people were definely wanting to believe the economy could be turned around. Were we fooled I don't know he made some bad desicions but some good ones like on health care. Healthcare reform was an issue for years but because he finnaly made the desicionn to approve it, It is now called especially by the republicans as 'Obama care.'
    He went into a very bad mess could anyone pull us out in just four years. Anyone that went in there would have had one big mess to clean up and I believe it would have taken more than four years with anyone.
    I for one was not going to vote this year because it seems the government is for themselves.
    Popular vote who cares, as long as who ever gets in or back in does the people justice, instead of the goverments fancy partys or vacations.
    Also I would like to add I hope the reformed health care stays, there are way too many people that need this.
