Saturday, September 21, 2013

Why I love Pope Francis

Since Pope Francis became pope this year, he has been a breath of fresh air. He, by example, reminds us what true followers of Christ should do. The media tries to exploit him, as though he were a political person. Pope Francis is the furthest thing from a political person. With Pope Francis what you see is what you get. He has no agenda, other than bringing Christ back into our lives. 

In the past few days the pope has made headlines again. His call for Catholics to respond with love and mercy on the issues that divide the church. The issues he mentioned were same sex marriage and contraception. Depending if you are a conservative or a liberal you may have read into this as the pope redesigning the church dogma. Both sides can relax, the pope isn't going to rewrite the  bible or church dogma; but he is readjusting the attitude of the church, and that is something long over due.

I believe that Pope Francis is trying to tell us not to focus on the negative, not to be judgmental. As Christ had taught us, we should reach out to those in love and mercy. For we will be 'judged as we judge'. Only God has the right to judge, only God is perfect, only God can see inside the human heart.

Yes, I love Pope Francis, he isn't telling us that he is rewriting, he is telling us to revive Christ in our lives. God bless you Pope Francis. We give you our love and our prayers!

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