After this past week's horrible school shooting in Florida, the 18th since the beginning of this year, the gun control debate is flourishing again. My confusion is with people siting the 2nd Amendment. Really. This isn't a 2nd Amendment issue. No one wants to ban guns, we just want to take the semi automatic and automatic guns out of circulation.
The AR-15 is easier to purchase than a regular handgun. You cannot go hunting with this rifle, if you did you won't be able to eat the kill. In an article written by the Toledo Blade Editorial Board and I quote; "It is easier to buy an AR-15 - now the weapon of choice for copycat mass killers - than a handgun in Florida and Ohio. You must be 21 to buy a handgun, but you can buy this weapon of war at 18, and with no waiting period in Ohio."
To me this is very scary that this horrible weapon, which is much more damaging than a handgun, can be gotten so easily.
Why are some gun owner so hell bent on keeping this gun. It is a weapon of war. It was designed for one purpose, to kill as many as possible in a short period of time. If collectors want this gun, fine, don't sell the ammunition and have the gun for show.
People, we need to compromise here. Don't give me the malarkey about guns don't kill, people do. Yes, people can still kill with a knife or a rock. But you cannot take out a dozen people in a minute with a rock or a knife. And yes, mental illness is a problem here, but obviously with being able to buy the AR-15 so easily even the mentally ill can buy this gun.
We need to respect our 2nd Amendment right, but we also need to make sure innocent people aren't dying because we cannot compromise for the common good.
I am neither a liberal or a conservative. I am someone who lives in balance. Living in the middle allows me to be able to compromise when things need to be corrected. Our country cannot continue to have the right and the left constantly having to have their own way. We need to come together for the common good of the entire country. That is what our founders had in mind when they drew up the Constitution.
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