Sunday, October 18, 2009

Out of the mouths’ of of babes

This has been an interesting past few days. On Thursday the world was sitting on the edge of their seats praying that a run a way balloon with a six year old boy in it, would be found safe and unharmed. It is funny that the Heene's would probably have gotten away with this hoax if it hadn't been for the innocent response of a child. When Falcon Heene was asked why he went into the attic, he told reporters that it was for show.

It is obvious the boy's parents wanted a few minutes of fame; but at what cost. Not just the monetary cost that will run into the tens of thousands, or the waisted time of emergency personal. What cost to these children, whom we now know were all involved in this hoax? I become dismayed from time to time about the irresponsibility of some parents today. In the case of these children, their parents are teaching them to be liars. In a world that already has so little trust, that's just what we need more dishonesty!

Our society today has so little regard for the sanctity of life. Parents who pollute their children's minds with this kind of grandstanding, cheapen the values that made this country great. Worst still, when our youth become uncaring and trained that it is okay to lie, cheat or avoid responsibility for their actions; our country and our world's future is at risk. Out children are the future. We should encourage them to do the right thing and to be courteous and caring to family and friends and neighbors. I know it's possible because that's how I raised my kids.

Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. the father wanted attention to start his own reality show. Boy what a smart kid he wasn't going to be a scapegoat!
