Friday, January 22, 2010

When it really is our concern

In recent days there has been a lot said on the media about John Edwards and his love child. Let me say publicly what I have been saying privately; the affair doesn't affect me. However the lie that was told to cover it up does. I do not condone infidelity; but as far as I'm concern that is a breech of contract between the politicians (and there have been a few over the years, both Republican ans Democrat) and their wives. When those politicians lie to cover up their scandalous actions, now that it is a breech between them and the voters whom elected them. If an elected official lies to cover up a personal indiscretion, we have to ask ourselves; what else are they lying about. Human being make mistakes, I don't expect the people I elect to be exempt from their humanity. I do expect that when the aligations are made that they respond truthfully. The truth always comes out, better to be forthright and honest in the first place than to tell the truth when you have no other choice. That's how I feel and that is what determines my cosideration on a candidates ability to perform their job. That also determines if I vote for them or not.

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