Monday, November 2, 2009

The beautiful moon

I have been fascinated by the moon since I was a little girl. The full moon is my favorite, especially when it is rising or setting. I am awed at the large mysterious disc in the sky. I always call the moon at that stage a harvest moon. Usually I notice it in the fall season of the year; but I believe I have noticed it in the spring as well. I remember one beautiful trip to work crossing Sundusky Bay. Dawn hadn't come yet, and as I was crossing the bay the reflection of the moon on the water caught my eyes, it was so beautiful.

I no longer work in Sandusky, so I hold it as a picturesque memory. I see God in nature. It is His beauty that illuminates the night sky and I am privileged to be be able to see the wonders of His creation.

1 comment:

  1. The mooon especially full always facinated me also as a little girl I believed mom about the man in the moon because she would say if you look close enough you can see it has a face. She said it so seriously that I believed her and also about being made of green cheese. Oh the wonder of small children they find God's magic in everything. Ce-Ce
